What is the benefit of the school? Call me slow understanding as you like but I had spent 16 years going to school I still don’t know When I finished it, I don’t know how to count my taxes, How to buy a house, Or request a loan. I knew nothing about investments, Or build a credit record or get a job I graduated while I was the first in my class What did you get?
That luxurious diploma that I sit at home with Illiterate. But fortunately, They have already taught me some important skills Like analyzing equations and And how the mitochondria It is the source of cell energy. I am really happy to remember Phitagors theory Because it helped me a lot.
Well, I am lying, I will stop. Because all the things they taught me Honestly, I have forgotten it. Mom, do you remember when you were asking me? “What did you learn today at school?” And I was saying: “I didn’t learn much.” I did not accuse humility The truth is, mom I had already forgotten then.
And it’s not just me Millions of students have the same problem. How many of you guys Avoid looking directly at the teacher Trying not to urge him to call him to answer? Afraid of raising your hand Because of your fear of making a mistake, And who proves that school Not a suitable environment For learning or building intellectual skills.
It is only a game you get to score And how many perks you can get. But what do you expect When the most common question of separation is “Will that part be on the exam?” “Will that part be on the exam?”
If the school really developed education Instead of tests and memorization As its ultimate goal Then it becomes a letter It does not refer to failure, But it will indicate “Find another solution.” And if the school is really interested With our personal and academic success, Then the students wake up, And they have more freedom And a few homework This is not my personal opinion.
That summary has been done Scientifically proven and tested. If none of the teachers believed me You are completely free to lose The page provided is obligatory to verify. I coordinated it with the “MLA” style. Because I know it is the only format that you will accept. As you can see, students will benefit more An additional hour of sleep About their tormented writing another article Or read 150 pages, Or solve exercises 1 to 60 And the implementation of 3 projects It must be delivered by the end of the week. It is not only useless pain But he is also clumsy.
Because we do a lot of work, But they do not teach us Time management skills Necessary to deal with it. They control us in school by the bell We must learn inside chapters Arranged at the same level as the Feng Shuai prison cell.
We must ask for permission To fulfill our need But not before the teacher asks Millions of questions like “Why are you going before the class starts?” I’m sorry My bladder follows her own schedule She does not always stick to appointments. The teachers always say: “Use your time wisely.” But I never understood that.
Because those six hours That passes our lives and is called school Perhaps it was the worst possible use Time management throughout history. think about it, The traditional method of education is foolish. No, it is useless. You may also reach a level Stupidity.
What they do is: They stuff information with your head, They feed you exclusively Then she vomits her with the exam. It is not an education … But he is sick and glorious. And the more your gluttony I did better with the ratings. So no wonder why Many students graduated Intellectually and emotionally unstable.
The school is teaching you How to save points. Real education should teach you How to get there. Real education teaches you How to fish. The school teaches you: Well, the fish caught But you didn’t see us how you did it So those do not count.
Throw it again! I’m just asking What is the benefit of the school? It is not for education, This is not true. If you still think that, You may be taking drugs. As you can see the word “education” Derived from its Latin origin “Educe”.
Which means extraction. That is, extracting the talents inside a person And make it valid. But the school does not extract much She is filling more facts inside. Some of those things can be justified. We need to read and write And some math – that’s fair.
But tell me that the metamorphic and volcanic rocks More important than personal care? If suicide is the third most common cause To die for ages between 10-24 Studies at Harvard University indicate That is the biggest proof of success Is self-control and emotional health, So why not learn how to deal with anxiety Or bullies or rejection?
What about anxiety or depression? You know – those skills that we need For our entire life. I don’t even know how to cook. I am really amazed at my continued life. But at least I can name all the pains That happened in the civil war.
Really, what’s the point of school? Some say you need it to be successful And that’s something we don’t suspect. But I own a MacBook or iPhone Did you know that both It was made by someone who has left school Do you watch that video? On Facebook or YouTube?
It does not matter which one to choose. Both were found by people who were left behind. Have you ever used Snapchat or WhatsApp? Or shop at Hull Foods? Okay, thank that person who is not studying. Did you get your home furniture from IKEA?
Well, don’t think about it the wrong way The owner did not fail to study, Do not be a fool. I mean how he can drop out of school It is Engfar Campard, the founder of IKEA He never went to school. I know what you think: He just picks and picks people up, There are millions who have not gone to school And they did not become successful.
Who deceives? And you are correct! But open the history book And start seeing it. You will find that the people we glorify in school They did not have formal or / and secondary education. I am talking about George Washington Abraham lincoln America’s Best Presidents They had no education.
Ben Franklin Thomas Edison Should I continue? Ernest Hemingway Mark Twain Teddy Roosevelt Margaret Mead Now please! I am not telling you to drop out of school Because some schools are great And many teachers are precious jewels. I tell you that there is a difference Among smart people And people who get high rates.
I tell you that your future It is something that has no test To measure it. Even if that test had 3 letters Such as SAT or ACT. It is nonsense to tell you that these tests are determined The fate of your life No, your destiny is in your hands. You must shape it to become great.
So don’t expect the school to open doors for you Because it will most likely close it to your face. Sometimes I wonder About all dreams that were lost in school And how much is wasted. Were it not for music and YouTube, I would Just another hopeless case.
For everyone who is watching this Please close your eyes. Imagine a child sitting behind In one of the rows In a town, He never raises his hand, He fails most of his classes But inside it there is a passion. And if it is supported and exposed It will lead him to discover a cure for cancer.
But as you can see, That kid’s ability You will never go out into the light. He will never win a Nobel Prize Because they ignore him in class And its value is judged only by his marks. So, teachers, managers Parents, counselors, and students I ask again after: What is the benefit of the school?